Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Good Wednesday Morning

Slept great. No kids waking me or climbing over me. Good moods all around this morning. 

Just finished 30 minutes of core and stretching. I am planning on a loop on the feet at lunch or this evening after work, depends on the schedule today.

Yesterday I was hoping for a bike ride but the wind was way up and my normal 10 mile lunch ride would have been in the teeth of it most of the way. I did see some cyclist out yesterday. It is not the wind so much but I do want to enjoy it instead of just because I have to.

I did, however, get in an hour of yoga at lunch that felt awesome. Actually left my legs kind of shaky all afternoon. And, lastly, set of crunches last night while watching Brazil-Italy friendly. Fell asleep in the second half with Brazil up 2-0.

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